NPA - 859 (Kentucky)

The 859 area code is part of geographic numbering plan area that includes Kentucky.

There are a few special area codes with the last two digits 422 match, these are known as easily recognizable codes (ERCs). The 8xx set of numbers are reserved for toll-free services and communication.

This is Kentucky

Plan Your Trip

Getting in, out and around Kentucky is easy. You’ll find three primary and several regional airports conveniently located throughout the state, as well as taxi, bus, train and even river ferry service to get you from place to place.
Whether you're here for business or pleasure, transportation services abound. Also there are Kentucky's eight Welcome Centers offer travelers a hospitable respite from the open road. Stop in for maps, directions, attraction brochures and local event information, or find nearby lodging and restaurants.


Music may well be the Bluegrass State’s finest, and endless resource. Generations have witnessed the prolific musical talent that emerges from her hollers and hills, her cities and towns, unbound by genre.

A stretch of road on U.S. 23 along the Big Sandy River in Eastern Kentucky is the birthplace of so many country greats – Loretta Lynn, Tyler Childers, Chris Stapleton, Dwight Yoakum and countless others – that it’s actually called “Country Music Highway.”

If you’re looking to sit back in a behind-the-scenes venue where the locals go to hear emerging talent – or maybe spend a few days catching some of the hottest acts in the country headline a not-to- be-missed music festival – Kentucky shines on stage.

859-228 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-240 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-252 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-264 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-276 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-288 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-312 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-324 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-336 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-348 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-360 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-372 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-384 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-396 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-408 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-420 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-432 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-444 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-468 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-492 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-516 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-528 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-552 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-576 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-588 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-612 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-624 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-636 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-648 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-684 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-696 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-744 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-756 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-780 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-792 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-804 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-816 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-888 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-912 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-936 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-948 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-960 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-972 - (Richmond, Kentucky)

859-996 - (Richmond, Kentucky)